Parking Information
The average price for a lot close to the Javits Center is $40-$60, plus tax. Many lots add a $5 -$10 surcharge for SUVs and mini vans. Prices are based on a passenger car, 8-10 hours in the lot on a Saturday during a show at the Javits Center Rate Business.
Discounted Parking Near Javits and Piers in the West 30s
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We recommend booking convenient and affordable parking in advance through SpotHero, the nation’s leading parking reservation app.
To reserve your parking spot for the New York Boat Show, visit the Javits Center Parking Page and book a spot with rates up to 50% off drive-up.
New to SpotHero? Click here to download the SpotHero app.
NYC Transit
The following trains stop at 34th Street/Penn Station:
New Jersey Transit
The Long Island Rail Road
8th Avenue Subway:
7th Avenue Subway:
6th Avenue Subway:
Note - does not run on weekends.
The following trains stop at 42nd Street/Times Square (Broadway):
8th Avenue:
7th Avenue:
6th Avenue:
Note - does not run on weekends.
The following trains stop at Grand Central Station at 42nd Street at Lexington
Lexington Avenue Subway:
Metro North Railroad
For further information, call MTA Travel info: 718.330.1234 or
Ferry Service
Take the Seastreak Ferry from Belford, Highlands, or Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey to the Boat Show.

New York official website
The New York Government site has just about everything you need to know about New York City to enjoy yourself. They have information ranging visiting New York to governmental affairs in New York. This site should you provide you with everything you need to know about New York.
New York City Visitors Site
New York City’s incredible energy, excitement and diversity set it apart from all other destinations on the planet—and that’s no overstatement. Our five boroughs have five distinct personalities, with their own vibrant cultures, dynamic art scenes and world-renowned shopping and dining. No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll find it in New York City.
Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, commonly known as the Javits Center, is a large convention center located on Eleventh Avenue, between 34th and 40th streets, in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, New York City. It was designed by architect James Ingo Freed of Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. The controversial and revolutionary space frame structure was begun in 1980, finished in 1986, and named for United States Senator Jacob Javits, who died that year. The Center is operated and maintained by the New York Convention Center Operating Corporation, a New York State public-benefit corporation.
The convention center has a total area space of 1,800,000 square feet (170,000 m2) and has 840,000 square feet (78,000 m2) of total exhibit space.
- For more information visit Javits Center Website »
Disability Services
The Javits Center's Designee for Reasonable Accommodations (DRA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator (ADA Coordinator) is identified below. This person will be able to provide information and forms for requesting accommodations as well as for grieving refusals of accommodations.
Jeffrey D. Caldwell
Associate General Counsel and DRA / ADA Coordinator
New York Convention Center Operating Corp.
655 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001-1188
Phone: (212) 216-2212
Fax: (212) 2165-2823